Feels bad i wont win since i got raided and betrayed
Kk ill msg u the id
Dildos need a buff.
Hes refering to the voting glitches @Micatchu
Me, i miss a day of voting and feel very very very disheartened to continue
Kawaii desu~ No homo lawl
Congratulations! Better luck next time guys!
IGN? Haydargtm Age? 15 TimeZone? live in WA ( Perth ) so my time zone is UTC +8 AWST How long have you played vice for? 1hour. Do you have a...
One damn good app
What gtm is this at do you know the time of the glitch? @__Bill_Nye__
When you lose 4mil in the lotto... feelsbadman
Im a horny 15 year old .
Prez is new little tay confirmed ?!?!
Maybe prez is a child genius making racks
Kind of offtopic but apparently my parents signed me up for swimming lessons when i was two, i didnt actaully swim at all, the coach just moved my...
i bought a house at islandtownhouse, i put 10 jps in it as i had no more room in my other houses. I tpaed to my other house at cc (350k), then i...
Is it sad that i dreamt about you and mixlogic raping each other?
Now now ladies, calm your tits down
nO oNe wAnTs tO gO bAcK iN tImE
Im a sad no ranked hotdog send dontaions to [email protected]