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Good day.
The server IP is mc-gtm.net. Edit by a moderator: You must use the IP 'gtm.network' to connect to the server now!
Good morning Diz!
Good morning Diz :D
His name is Gary but damn right he is faster than a snail ;)
Gotta agree, espeically with Dark, winging is almost not hit reg and ping related c; (Also that amazing feeling after you drop snipe someone xD)
Good day!
If you wish to be unbanned you may appeal for an unban at http://grandtheftmc.net/appeal or buy an unban if you wish at...
Winging or Jping, which is better and why? :P
That's awesome! Hope you get that green belt soon :P
Please don't, you are wayy too nice Taco xD
Yes, I am 3rd in Israel for my weight category. Awesome to see some judokas here :D
Congratz Everyone!!!
Congratz on BOTM ParkourGod! I absolutely love your builds, well deserved!
Amazing texture pack would love to see more ;)
My head is worthless xD