Me _dontlookdown_ give him 85mill and Feuerkai head on gtm4 He give me 50$ gc
i pay him 57mill and 20wings he give me 3 10$ giftcard me _dontlookdown_ agree
Thx Feuerkai
I won again :o
I give him 10$ gc and he give me 23.5mill on gtm4 me _dontlookdown_ agree
My name is _dontlookdown_ on the site
Me _dontlookdown_ agree
I give him 25$ giftcard for 46mill (gtm4)
me _dontlookdown_ agree
i agree
PureDynasty give me 3x 10$ gc and me _dontlookdown_ pay him 30mill on gtm4
I agree
GG to the winners
Hé was trying to scam me taco
bysynox_yt buy me rank upgrade from sponsor to supreme and i pay him 60mill
Thomas want to do the deal whit me
THOMAS1302 buy me (_dontlookdown_) a rank Upgrade from Elite to sponsor 28$ and _dontlookdown_ gives him 28mill