I give him 40mill gtm4 he gives me 25$ giftcard
I buy him vip for 26.5mill on gtm1
I give him 23mill gtm1 for 10$ gc he buy on my e-mail and he put my name if they ask for ingame name
I give him 6 Dubs nets 6 Dubs Minis 4 Dubs Wings 5 Dubs jps 3 Dubs Kats 3 dubs Dildos 6 Dubs Flames 6 Dubs Snipers 20 Stacks BST 20M On gtm4 He...
You can make a suggestion in the discord https://discord.gg/PpuFaCyN44
You can make a suggestion in the discord
Icefight555 give me 20mill and I buy his friend eliasfinn09 sneaky cheatcode gtm4
I agree
I give him 38mill gtm4 he give me 25$
I give him 77mill and 1dub jps he give me 50$ (this deal is on Gtm4)
I buy his friend (LordLino) Elite --> sponsor (37,5$) ByCommand give me 75mill and 1 dub jps
I give him 30mill and 2jpkats wings He give me 20$ gc
I give him 85mill gtm4 he give me 50$
I give him 25$ gc He give me 50mill gtm4
I give him One dub jps and 1dub kats for 2x 10$ gc (this deal is on gtm4)
Me _dontlookdown_ give him half dub jps and 4kats and 8mill he give me 10$ gc (this deal is on gtm4)
He give me everything on the screen shot: and 15candy canes he has 1month to give me the candy canes me _dontlookdown_ buy him VIP on (this...
me _dontlookdown_ give him 8machine pistols and 3machetes on gtm4 and he give me 10$ giftcard