I would not break the rules.
All these things and, still more than these, the treasures which had come to the church from personages who to me were almost legendary figures...
Fuck no
You log out then you click forgot password when you try to log back in. Then you can change the password by following the directions from there.
Trust me. He was never sr mod
bone/ghost resigned. I think it was time issues. Would you count me as retro?
xBone and mrmime were never sr mods. And mrmime resigned. Also I resigned and came back but that doesnt really count xd.
The apple was orange and we don't like orange because it fucked my wife and raped KingCordVII but he didn't enjoy itself because its something...
The game is where you say one word and it is like a story. You say 1 word then someone else says another word to keep the story going on. You can...
Yay tutorials. This is one to help you around spawn in case you don't know everything and you want to know where everything is when you need it at...
Im too lazy to make an avatar
Helpop 7/12/17 Mod 10/29/17 Resigned 2/22/18 Got helper again 5/17/18 got mod again 7/17/18. Noice
Helpop 7/12/17 Mod 10/29/17 Resigned 2/22/18 Got Helper 5/17/18 dab on them haters
First person to tell me happy birthday gets a blowjob
[MEDIA] This is to Help new players that need help with guns and their ranks affilated with them and how that works. If you are a new player, I...