Oh yeah. That was actually a bug. We switched our gun system because it couldn't differentiate between melee & ranged damage. So now only RANGED...
Are you melee hitting them or actually shooting them with it? Because it's supposed to be a ranged weapon
The seniors are hard at work trying to find more staff, specifically located in the EU. Our anticheat will be live soon. We're trying to balance...
Agreed, we're working on it.
What textures?
We're doing our best to develop a lightweight anticheat that covers the worst hacks - and the senior team is making efforts to hire more staff.
Sam made a mistake for which he apologised multiple times. Duci was not let go because he knew the truth, but because he was trying to leverage...
Great work Jed! I hope everyone is as pleased with his work as I am.
There's a discord button above the navbar on our website. May not be available in mobile view.
holy shit it looks amazing
Link would still be helpful, for 'inspiration'. @OG57
Could you describe the bugs and glitches with the website? I will forward them to our web dev.
You can, just no good ones. You should buy the PC & MAC version of minecraft: https://minecraft.net/
That's the Windows 10 version of Minecraft. Our server runs on the Java Edition (or the Original Minecraft), which is far superior.
Sorry, some cheat codes can only be unlocked with donor ranks, stack has always been a supreme perk and it will remain like that.
Assistant TO THE community manager
I'll look into this, don't worry.
Then it'll be back in a couple days.
Well dont you already have it?
I'm pretty sure they're in Phone -> Rewards -> Vote now somewhere.