hes buying me a 10$ gtm gift im giving him 10mill gtm4.
The deal is 2 stacks of kats + a 61 stack, 1 dub of jps, around 1 and a half dubs of kwons and sams, A perm gang invite, and to be invited to my...
THIS FORUM POST INCLUDES SPOILERS!! <-------------------------------- Keep going at your own risk. i made this to ask you guys what did you...
IRl deal for the third unban tbh this is sad im making this, i just wanna play gtm, im hecca poor this is what i have xd -3 dubs of wings -near a...
There will be a "Prefix Crate" on the store there will be 3, "Prefix Small Create" "Prefix Medium Create" "Prefix Large Create" maybe 10 for small...
Baiters Kittens4050 Kqxorr aka RDMisGOD YouJustGot1Tapped (aka tyson2660) Shooter XmasGTM Syrup crispygoose Shadow CumNRun (theres a fluck ton...
Hello people, This is elite gang aka rn know as Banned gang (cos we were all perm ip banned at a point) Founders: @Kqxorr @kittens4050...