Thank you guys for being cooperative with one another, that makes me smile:D
Run Forest run!
From what I've heard, we are not accepting or plan on adding in any custom houses at the moment. But damn, it looks good!
Did your deal go through properly?
If you want to get unbanned, then you must appeal here. Sr.Mods don't need evidence to ban, so Pistan is in his place to ban you if he suspects...
That's odd. And it's only when you die correct? Can you not drop items as well? And, can you send in a video of a friend or someone trying to...
It would be awesome if we could do something like that, but it would probably cause more harm in the way of hackers and make hit boxes a little...
That's a deal that you two must do. No need for me to get involved.
I'm pretty sure we aren't planning on adding any new houses to GTM for the time being.
I would also like to add on that we have received a new HelpOP! Welcome TheKing100!
Very nice!
NVM, they were attempting to scam (typical you go first). Edit- I lost nothing, they tried but failed.
Giving- 8 mil, 4 katanas, 12 JPs. Receiving- 15 permits
There's no need for you to quit. It's one person, don't let them ruin your entire GTM experience that you worked hard on and put money into. These...
Fantastic idea! I love and want it.
Who knows, we just like to get the points across.
You posted 6 times in a row (is that a hexapost?)! Don't do that, you can respond to multiple people in one post.
Don't triple post- if you want answers, check my posts. I'm not going to rewrite everything over again.
Last time I'm going to say this- they answered your question over what to do for this. They do not need to answer your request right away, Cruee...