I have been looking for weeks to catch a good irl deal that isn't a scam I have about 25 mil on GTM-1 and about 17 mil on ViceMC!!! I really hope...
I _Flaming_Phoenix will give 7DarkSlash7 25 million on gtm-1 in return they buy me $100 gift card and premium to elite to sponsor say I agree down...
A wealthy Phoenix is looking for irl deals on GTM-1 and/or Vice. I have about 25 mil on gtm so enough for a decent deal. Please message below ONLY...
So I made a thread about chat logs earlier but wasn't to clear. So have the chat log file in my .minecraft folder but it is just a file and don't...
So I recently got banned (Perm about 11 hours ago) for "Chargeback" and to be honest I had to chat with JustNassim Dieh and Akarush to understand...
I came on the LanoireV2 Discord "vice thing" and pistanmarc said can I use ya stuff since your banned and I am like WTFFFFF so I got on and I got...
I pay MostlyFresh 2 million on GTM-1 and they buy me premium---->supreme Say I agree if you accept terms
I was wondering if Vice donor deal were a thing if so you can comment below I only need 1 person to say the answer not 100 or comment if intrested!
I _Flaming_Phoenix will give HesselPower 800k on GTM-1 in return for a rank upgrade premium--->elite say I agree if you agree HesselPower
FlopiLord buys me a $250 dollar gift card and I give them 25 million on GTM-1 say I agree down below if you agree
I really want rank upgrades (Currently premium) but most anything goes so if anyone is intrested post (Otherwise don't say anything) msg me on...
I am throwing out this idea of making where in a custom house only certain people can access certain rooms to be more secure without having 8...
I got pretty rich on GTM-1 am looking for someone to do IRL deal with me. Don't Comment please on this post if you want to do a deal open new post...
I _Flaming_Phoenix buy _MMX_ Sponsor---->Supreme. In return _MMX_ gives me 34 million on GTM-1 Say I agree if agree to terms
I was looking for a donor deal with you Sparky :D! So either through forums or GTM-1 we can sort out details okay thanks for watching! Also if you...
I propose a change to vehicles and how the function. I think that Vehicles are great but the fees and teleporting annoyed me so much that I sold...
What I do: 500k dollars on GTM-1 What you do: Vip rank Also I accept donations large and small (large is better though ;p) Yes yes I am not rich...