I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay Fantaplay007 17 million in exchange for a $10 giftcard bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay IchJitterHard 17 million in exchange for a $10 giftcard bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, Agree to pay FantaPlay007 17 million in exchange for a $10 giftcard bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB agree to pay IchJitterHard 42.5 million in exchange for a $25 giftcard bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay IchJitterHard 127.5 million in exchange for $75 in giftcards bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay LeonDerNoob 17 million in exchange for a $10 giftcard bought on my email
Deal has been completed
Paused for now
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay DoubleDoubl 51 million in exchange for 3x $10 giftcards bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay INC_LuckYAim 42.5 million in exchange for a $25 giftcard bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to give profise a $77.50 giftcard in exchange for 127.875mil
I paid back 85 mil and gave a $50 gc for 85mil instead
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to give profise a $100 giftcard in exchange for 170 million (1 $50 gc on my email, 1 from Berington on Berington's email)
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to give Lordpenguin a $10 giftcard in exchange for 17.3 million
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay Preyssma 124mil in exchange for a $77.50 giftcard(1.6mil per $)
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay Chelseatoriuss 16 million in exchange for a $10 giftcard bought on my email
I, ArthurShelbyPB, agree to pay GeroldRainer 80 million in exchange for a $50 giftcard (that is bought on GeroldRainer's email)