You're banned for chargeback, which has nothing to do with hacking.
I'm good with command blocks, not code, which is completly different and way harder.
Ok made this: [IMG] [IMG]
It would make cops team together.
I'll make something cool when I'm home to illustrate your idea.
Happy Birthday :o
Thread locked.
This guide will list What to do and What NOT to do when dealing with hackers. 1-A staff member isn't online at all. Try recording the hacker...
/p merge to merge 2 plots together. /p merge all to merge all your plots. VIP or above required.
Congrats on mod! :0
It's now a song. [MEDIA]
Cruee just made you and me as strippers in his house. But sure i'll make an orgy one tommorow.[ATTACH]
Actually a few staff members have been fired. It's just that publicly you don't know if they resigned/were fired. Not telling names.
That's a lot of spider poop launchers.
Kappa here's more.[ATTACH]
128 Nets Bruh
Goodbye zCai :'(
:o Thanks!
So I recently got back into command blocks, So I'm now making cool GTM-related stuff. Here's the first thingy. [ATTACH] Command to get a...