I am giving TheLolLounge 27 jetpacks 27 wings and also 17 kats for a 20$ giftcard on minesantos
I agree this is on minesantos
I give 25 mil he gives 10$ giftcard on minesantos
My in game name and tournament name is is VallahBroke
10$ Gc for 28 mil on gtm 1
I agree
ReaperTZs Is giving me 57 mil for 10 permits on minesantos
i agree
Philly roll accept
say i agree with your in game name msg my discord Andtillo#5239
DEAL done
i have bought my unban
20 mil plus 2 braincontrol radar taco jmaster winter heads He upgrading me to premuim
IRL deal with koopiscute