Ye, I saw xD
Where can I find your yt channel?!?!?!?!? I wanna see some intense family friendly content
Hello my supreme leader, make me the vice supreme leader
I already warned you, stop spamming staff profiles, appeal on the forums instead.
Hey, I appreciate your feedback, but please make sure that the post you're commenting on isn't old. Bringing dead posts back to live is considered...
Thanks for the heads-up, will do!
Until summer? How come? That's quite a long time. :( Goodbye and I hope to see you soon.
Crue I'm your Slavic fan !!!!!!!!
Wassup homie
Hey Cho, awesome suggestion, I like your idea of arena PVP, however, pvp-ing against zombies would simply be too easy, maybe make an arena pvp...
@Qhong shut up, you're some vietnamese gang XD
Crips are the real deal
@_Hashtec_ is right, @xMini_ , disliking forum posts for absolutely no reason is not acceptable. Neither of them was being rude, please keep such...
When gangs are fixed, I'll make the crips, let's try to recreate the real rivalry on GTM.
Gangster Mishel, crips or bloods?
Damn how intense.
Don't spam, honestly, you're just bringing a bad impression on yourself. Secondly, 30min isn't a lot of time, instead of wasting everyone's time,...
That's awesome, thank you!