I don't really accept Chatlogs as Proof because Screenshots or short Recordings are easy to make and 10x better
back to tryharding again i guess
@MixLogic didn't see ya ingame yet, still need my 20 Permits, can't you just add em to my Account while i am offline? GTM1 IGN HenningLenz
My Votestreak just glitched away at 130, was fun tho, 130d is 4 Months, ez pz Kappa RIP Votestreak but who tf cares anyways
Anyone still doing Kit Swaps, can't find anyone :(
Edit (sigh) 1. What did you do just before this bug happened? Well.. i got tped to this Loc, bought a House and left 2. What should have happened?...
Somewhere around here http://fs1.directupload.net/images/171226/s6qzcfh5.png [IMG]
Bought some House in this weird out of Map Region for 20 Permits and now it's gone and my Permits are gone too.