We? I am not even in it for some Reason again because GTM wants to fuck me over every Month. Voted 6 times per day and missed the 6th Vote like 10...
? Again?
@MrNoisyRay was 3rd b4 the Votes disappeared
What he said except i believe the other ones to be every 24 Hours.
Bought VIP for 2 randoms for free last Month bc i had nothing to do with the Money. They kinda love me now or something lmao was definitely a fun...
$500 and it's all gone into Donor Deals and buying every Cheatcode and Item in Shop. huehue
yep, they are aware of that Bug anyways
What is a bigmario? huheueheuheueh gz.
So.. since the old GTM Forum is now broken or something ( http://gtmold.enjin.com/forum ) determining Vote War Winners via the Vote Tracker on...
I'll buy 5 Pictures of this amazing Ball from different Angles for 50k. heuheuwheuwheuewhuehuehueh
Will he ever respond?
Can someone just apply already so I can know wtf means? lmao
This is just confusing af.
eh, kinda hoped for something around 750k, but just message me ingame on 1 with /mail or directly if I am online