JustNassim isn't fun
This is just as obvious as the "I am quitting Youtube" Videos, how are People falling for this?
lololololol I am quitting YT rolfrofl
;) No. tho are Sound Effects idea
I'll donate 100 Muskets!!
Hey can I get 10mil to Rank up you have 75mil --- Story of my Life
ye plz xD
So.. because I am a lazy fuck i'll just hope that some nice People might tell me and the Others some Locations of the Event Easter Eggs. Thanks?...
Musket Montage?
Okay? Pay2Win is a Term that I may use however I wish to. Calling em Donators doesn't change shit. They still get huge Benefits by "donating". "-A...
Gotta love p2w tards, tru
While it's possible to just /seen everyone, this would technically make Things easier.
Remember this Post? https://grandtheftmc.net/threads/kit-swap-scammers.1258/ That was an amazing Time and very fun trading and interacting with...
Aaaand gg to Mod too, everybody's blue now
gg on Mod
idfk, i'll decide in an Hour
Will probably be surpassed by some Guy paying 2k IRL to get above me sooner or l8r anyways, but it's Fun while it lasts 2 be richest on GTM1