Which GTM is your Main?
Tear Gas Jetpack and fcking Bullshark Fist new Meta.
Thats like saying Tear Gas is OP therefore People shouldnt be able to buy Tear Gas
Riots are not even that good and People have way too many of em anyways lol.
too easy to do what? Buy Weapons and Shit? They can do that with Spawn Shops too.
How are rich Players not able to mass sell rare Items at Spawn. You could just add an Limit of 5 simultaneous Offers per Player (or like 3 for...
Bye m8 miss ya already xdxd
How does one Necropost an 6 Minute old Post?
i clicked on this expecting a Post about selling Human Slaves to rich Supremes, i am sad now.
I don't wanna start anything but Oof nice and that's a big Oooof etc are very meaningful, so ye, you can lock this now I guess
don't. Y o u
I can provide Protection for the Delivery People, I have the best Muskets
I want to be the Food
Every day you get about 24 hours older, did you know that?????????? [IMG]