This thread needs love
Had no clue, but still. Dekis was pretty much the only one making them sorta regularly. And thx for the short history of minigun balancing! I...
I think he should be able to do that himself...
Also take note that GTM has become MUCH more toxic in the past year. Like words cant describe how toxic GTM has become. 1 year ago toxicity on GTM...
So i have decided to create this because i have noticed a lot of things have changed in the past year and i wanted to kind of take both sides as...
This wont do you any good, even if you do get scammed ._.
This is my 4th time typing this out because i keep getting muted for "incorrect format" on discord even though im following the format letter by...
So i have a question. Why do you want me to add you to the list if you quit MC? and if you came/are coming back then why is the video about you...
What about the times when you say something in /help and nobody responds even though there are 4 staff members on the server?
Yes i agree with ryan, it's happened to me before where an admin/manager is on the server im on and when i tell them somebody is hacking they...
If you had video evidence then they could refund you but I seriously dought that you were recording. Also screenshots could help but that's much...
But skylix is daddy.
Hmmm, do you have proof? And i can vouch that he was in fact playing in casino around the time this thread was made.
Appeal here: GL, and if you dont get accepted apply for buying an unban.
I still think gtm needs a restructuring to make it more sustainable. Jping needs some more focus on guns so that its easier for new players to get...
Stop annoying him and he'll probably look at it faster.
Not directly, i have seen some of your posts though.
Could not have said it better, i joined BC of that giveaway and definately planned on playing S3!