Make sure you are using 1.12.2 as this is the best version for GTM. Also, you can try restarting your internet.
No, i have played all kinds if gta servers and i have been playing this one for well over a year. Stuff like this does not work, i've seen this...
Shameless plug
Now why did this happen in the first place? Only bad things could have come from it :/
Same exact thing happened to me except with hydra. I was unbanned by sky for a number of reasons. Also when i was banned i asked if you could do...
I dont think anybody is stupid enough to spend 1 permit AND 500K on a single chest for storage. Also you just told us that it's not worth buying...
Ummm, maby because i have an equal opinion and im responding to you :/
Dark there are only a handful of people who could buy them, even if they wanted to (Especially on 4). Plus i dont actually know anybody ready to...
This is p2w, it wont be added :/ Even small donations, oftentimes it's not the price that stops people from donating, it's the actual action of...
@Sn0wArmy_Crazy please do not say names of other servers. Also labymod most likely has nothing to do with it, servers cannon prevent players from...
Do these in order Click refresh at bottom of multiplayer page. Restart MC Restart computer Restart internet. Make sure MC version is...
Proxorr banned?? When? Why?
Dieheld should be promoted. IMO he needs to do nothing more to prove himself worthy of admin.
@Micatchu HM $$$ do you have in giftcards now? I assume its several hundred cus you never do donor deals and you already have everything from...
Are you kidding... before you handled rewards we had to wait like 2 weeks :/
I just remember they both got it around a year ago.
How did i know MC and mica would be right at the top?
Dieheld has been a srmod for longer then i can remember, there's no reason IMO he shouldn't be admin. Sky made it to manager in just over a year,...
Fisrt off i would consider this necro posting because is is just over 2 weeks old. 2nd... i dont understand what you're saying, it sounds like...