So we should be punished for our months of hard work because of someone who was in our cartel for 2 days? And we had no idea he was hacking. And...
Well apparently that cartels $$$ is legit. Just the other members were kicked due to inactivity. But it doesn't matter anyway as they have been...
Now Question. Currently the Cartel with the most stash is an Managers Cartel. Will they be excluded from the Reward?
I have heard the border is 100k x 100k. As i am more then 60k out in one direction i can say it's at least 60k x 60k.
Sorry for the late response. But this is just a visual glitch. However sometimes the block won't turn back into what it was prior. Example a chest...
I'm on an older Version.
So recently I have noticed that chests, furnaces, ender chests, enchanting tables and anvils seem to spazz out a lot. By spazz out I mean they...
Is it not a gift item from an egg?
Still looking for a donor deal if anyone is interested.
Lol thanks
The Skin for it is broken but I brought that up to staff already so it should be fixed. [ATTACH]
What is your offer? Seeing as how I don't know anyone else on GTM 5 who has them I would consider them to be one of a kind. But not 100% on that.
Looking to trade supplies on GTM 5 for either purchased currency on Vice or Crowbars. I have the following to offer, $5,000,000 on gtm5 1 Gold...
So I got on today after being gone for around a month. To find a giant hole in my house like someone set off tnt. My...