[MEDIA] If a petition reaches 100,000 signatures in 30 days, the whitehouse has to release a statement on it. Please sign, you dont have to live...
Voting rewards need to be improved. Maby like: 2 crowbars 10 tokens $2500 Then for votewar: 1. $100, 2500 tokens, 5 mil 2. $50, 2000 tokens, 4...
Every so often i get random damage, its not small either its a solid 5-10 hearts. It only happens when i take off a wing or jp to net/homimg....
Im loving the offline voting, its probably the best part of the update. -=Weapons i like=- -RPG -Snipers *Both recieved buffs and i think are...
I think we should require explenations for disliking posts, im tired of seeing random dislikes on both my own and other peoples posts and you cant...
Before VS3 starts i think the devs should optimize vice for low FPS computers. This can be done in MANY ways. I think removing durability and...
Buying katanas on gtm4. Please comment quantity and price. *bulk is better*
The blindness is OP, you cant see shit and it lasts forever unless you know how to get rid of it (not telling you how). I think it should be like...
I was told that builders can use it but not players, id like to be able to use it on gtm. If you dont know what VoxelSniper is, it bassicly makes...
Fix the hitreg, i have good internet and hits take a full second to register, no matter who hits or gets hit by me. Fix the lag on gtm4, you...
People often say "we need a reset" and the can always expect to hear "a reset would kill gtm" from me, they often ask me why so here it is. If...
Well im still against it but im coming to realize that there are some good things that will come out of it, im not to happy with how its being...
When you log onto gtm1 you can expect tsunami's of lag, both internet and FPS. When you log onto gtm1 you can expect an ecosystem of throwable...
You should make an option for players to drop money instead of guns, all the gear they have in there inv except nets, kats, wings, JP's,...
My RP works fine but whenever i try to use a custom one by chirag or undeadhamburger the items dont change, any clue how to fix it?
Hackers are annoying, hackers are gay, and hackers are everywhere. Heres how you as a player can spot hackers and get them bannished from from our...
This debate has been going on for a while and has quieted down over the past month or so and i want to make sure that tge staff team knows that...
Over the past 4 days ive played a lot of vice and ive noticed some things that i want to change, and some that i want to stay. Things to change....
I think we should completely remove the durability factor from vice machines. I think this would be good because lets be honest, it's just...
We should add a new shop to the spawn, it should be close to spawn and have an entrence kind of like the sewer from last spawn. This is because...