I, DeletusThouFetus, am doing an irl trade with CrispyGoose88 for VIP ----> Premium Upgrade for SlapItB4UFapIt (11.25USD) for 14.5mil ingame $ GTM1.
@kittens4050 Hi
Have a happy thanksgiving everyone!
Thank you so much!
Congrats Skylix!
I DeletusThouFetus, am giving PureDynasty101 22mil, a dub of jetpacks, 25 wings, and 10 kats on GTM1 for Sponsor --> Supreme upgrade (100USD).
Single like a pringle and I'm ready to mingle
I agree. Changed my ign from HunterAura312 to Corruptiion4 and now it is DeletusThouFetus. Will be giving first, recording, and done on GTM1