I don't think he wants to answer that, not wrongly, but i'd say either 7th or below, cause that's pre-geometry.
Speed hack and tracer? If you're a vice player, what good is this going to do?
Greetings, Shockzy* [IMG]
Thanks for the clarification.
"It is not honesty that matters, but victory" - Mein Führer
I believe that this was a scam because @xDarkrai__ also did a deal with the same person and they haven't said anything.
This is why I have fucking hotdog trust issues you prick.
Only if you read it in a British accent babe. ;)
Really Deez, that's a shit excuse and you know it.
500 Messages, YEEE BOIII, also, top 6 poster!
To start, there's 2 things wrong. Knowing that squares are rectangles, is a basic math concept, as Owendog said, and also you lost 50% because of...
You'll get demoted. JK JK. 1. You're doing pretty well, you seem to be answering anyone's questions, and activity on the forums is always a...
Classic TotallyDone127.
You know you can see it right?
And it was at this moment, he shot himself through the head because he knew he would never see that message the same way again.
Maybe just merging 2-3, 4-5-6.
Honestly, merging 1 and 2 would be chaos. I left 1 because it was so garbo, and I would have to run away to another gtm.
Thanks, enjoying ma Monday.