Do you guys know about those last few unusable permits that some people have? I suggest that we add the option to purchase singular permits from...
The thing is, if your house is not premium then other players who have bought the same house will have the ability to remove the heads.
This is exactly what happened to one of my 350k houses. Right after the houses were fixed my chests were empty.
I know what you guys are thinking. There is a way to sell trashcans right now. But that way involves moving a lot of items back and forth between...
Not a scam. BeatBoyCreaper is legit
Here is him agreeing
I'll be giving BeatBoyCreaper 2.5mil for Sneaky Cheatcode for MafiosoKitten. Post down below if you agree
I have heard of hypocrisy, but it's obvious you haven't. Calling me a hypocrite would be like saying that I also lied about a 1000USD giveaway,...
Remember that one time you lied to everyone about that "giving over 1000USD" giveaway? I was so excited and I can't believe that someone would...
I kinda want the votes back too. I'm trying to win the vote war and anything helps
So I lost my 100% vote streak because of the inability to vote on the server as it was being fixed. When I tried to vote on all 5 sites I didn't...
Pfft. Before you got helper you said in chat something to the likes of: "I'm not going to claim my premium monthly until I get an update on my...
That's not why they have supreme commands. They use it to be better helpers. It seems that some players are more motivated to get the supreme...
You shouldn't even be able to use /stack. You were premium before you got staff. I know that you guys need the 5 second tpa thing for getting...
The server chose to add it. I got supreme thinking I would be able to use /stack. 5 months later and nothing has changed.
Someone is definitely slacking if it takes 8 months to fix a command. 8 MONTHS.
/stack has been broken for like 8 months now. I know there are bugs with it but should devs rlly take 8 months to fix what supremes paid for?
I'm giving bigmario06 4mil and 20 jps for 5 permits (15.75$). Put down below if you agree
So I recently bought a 350k house at city center to move stuff from a 40 permit house so I could sell a trashcan (Thanks devs for not adding a...
/stack is still broken