Appreciate it~
Please don't post off topic comments.
Don't be lazy. :(
Trust me. When it comes to becoming the best on the server, a future helpop prospect, or etc, there is nothing more reliable than to respect other...
This will be a fairly short, brief, guide for newer players who always complain in chat about how the server is unfair, its pay to win, money is...
This could get very messy. Imagine like 10 people throwing a decoys all over the place.
I can pvp just fine without scopes, I see no need.
Its not a bug. There was a glitch regarding these tags and staff took them down.
This is interesting, because I will defend my stance no matter what lol. Honestly, nothing in pvp will ever be fair, if you put it that way. And I...
You do realize that hobos can buy diamond armor too right? it wouldn't be too expensive. Personally for me, if I was a lower ranked player and had...
Quoting: "Hobos can still kills donors, pretty easily actually if they how to do it". I hope you know that donors can also be hobos. Instead, I...
Chance of decap should definitely be lowered.
Im not exactly sure how quite experienced you are, but Katanas are already incredibly easy to acquire. And think about it, more Katanas and...
From, Xnap Welcome to the short thread. If you know me, I have been playing GTM for a very long time and have even played quite a bit of GTM...