Crazy ass candy cane prices for GTM 1 :eek:. Especially to imagine you need like, 35-50 for a name tag~ and 250 for the clausinator.
Be patient :). There are constant developments being made throughout the server. No one is slackinggg
Not exactly sure what you mean by this, but just take note that the server will continue to change do to user suggestions. Whatever change/balance...
It was probably a mix up. Just explain your situation to him and you should be fine.
Like Owendog77 said, this would be pretty hard to implement; but if ya'll can pull it off, I think it'll be pretty neat. I've always thought gang...
I honestly prefer the gunsenberg sweeper. It has high mobility and a decent rate of fire. Overall I think its the most versatile weapon.
Good effort :). I can definitely see you've put some time into this and I'm sure it'll help the newer players out.
Lol surprisingly many people~ Just look at the threads. But yea I know what you mean, it's just that I'd rather not lose 10mil+ and if someone...
Great idea~ I support it.
IDK man you tell me :)
Thats why as a buyer, you only do donor deals with people you trust so they don't scam you like that. If its a random hobo willing to do donor...
It's not as hard as you think it might be~ Just be consistent. And most importantly don't be discouraged! The only problem I think you might face...
We'll definitely look into more ways of how we can prevent people from irl scmaming. However, I personally have gone through multiple irl deals,...
I think the worst hackers are lowkey hackers. You literally cannot tell they hack. But they play by the smallest advantages (they don't turn the...
Please submit a ticket~
I usually like to write about common issues or tutorials. Just write something that helps the server out~ I think that's the best way to go. Also,...
How come?
I don't know about you guys, but I'm honestly tired of seeing all the unintelligence in the forums. The types of people listed below are the ones...
Lemongrab, if you're going to provide garbage, disrespectful, feedback, then we don't need you here. Bye~
Maybe you read it, but I don't think you understood the context. The definition of "justly", according to google dictionary means, "according to...