i'm paying 14mil gtm1 for 10$ Giftcard ON MY NAME AND EMAIL If he does Not buy it on my Name i wont pay ! I agree - Tonnano4
i give him 11m gtm1 for 10$ gc i agree
i agree
he didnt want anymore idk he say im scamming
nevermind he didnt even buy it on my email i think its very buggy idk i talking with srmod
I give him 10 jpktas and 10mil for a 10$ giftcard on my name and email ign = Tonnano4 i agree
i Tonnano4 will give him 1 Dub Jpkats on GTM4 In return he will buy a 10$ giftcard on my name (Tonnano4) and on my E-mail I agree
I Tonnano will give him 57mil and 54 jetpacks for 50$ giftcard on my ign (Tonnano4) and on my E-mail
I Tonnano4 Will give Telepraa 198.88$ in Store Giftcards and 30mil ingame In Return YaBoyTokyo will sell his 750 Permit 'Build team house' ID 216...
10m for 10$ gc on my email
System gives x2 10$ gc code and 1x $25 gc code Which he wont use otherwise he get punished jhuan gives : 48m Minesantos GTM1 I Agree
i Agree
I agree
I give him 2 dubs jpkats and 27 wings and 1.1mil for 35$ giftcard On my name and email i agree
I agree - Jhuan
75$ for 105mio on GTM1 I Jhuan agree i pay 105mio
I give him: 2 dub jpkat 27 wing 30m on GTM1 In return 50$ Giftcard in codes which he wont use
I Jhuan will give eqlipsa 120mil on GTM1 In return he will give me 90$ In Giftcards On discord He will not use these Giftcards I Jhuan agree
i Jhuan agree ( he will sent the code over discord if he use it get ban )