I ToToPlays give 8 dubs wings + 14.3m In return he sents me a 25$ giftcard and x2 10$ giftcard on discord i agree!
I agree
i agree
yes i agree
I give him my 500 Gold house behind indus in return he gives me 125mil and a 25$ giftcard code all on minesantos i Jhuan AGREE
165$ gc vs 23 dubs jps, 3 dubs kats , 63m I Jhuan give the items
i give him 3 dubs jps and 1 dub wings i agree gtm4 for 10$ gc
snseywatesh - i agree
12.75m for 10$ gc gtm1 i agree
I give him 13mil gtm1 in return hew ill give me a 10$ gc code over dc
Deal Went Perfectly Ty for the deal
I give him 38mil on HazeVIP And 100mil on HarderBetterFast + 10 Kwons Booty shorts for a 100$ Giftcard I Tonnano4 agree
i give him 46m for 35$ gc on my name and email a 25$ and a 10$ one For 46M