*wheeze* best thing ive read in a while man im ded also the puppy airforce logo doesnt seem to be fitting ur signature, want me to resize it?...
rip every og ever
Don't worry, I'll stay somewhat active forums-wise. (gotta keep that leaderboard spot)
they did surgery on a grape
:D Keep it savage xDark
Happy Sep 28
cAT WaTer YeET
Agreed <3 u 2 my dood. lets get that S3 bread
Hey guys, it’s me. I decided I owed it to everyone to explain where I’ve been this past few months, being absent from GTM and all. While unlikely,...
like that would stop me i've been in there toooons of times
oof this be the real Samurai629?
OoF wHaTs PoG?
>=} challenge accepted but later, cant really use my main account rn
thanks, ill take a peek
I agree, credits to Owen for supplying literally over hundreds of stacks of TNT. Without your autofarms influx of cash, we never would've been...
didnt we already do that?
GTM theory: The current GTM is going to become the next legacy GTM. The current GTM is going to be completely deleted when work on the new GTM is...
When you still have 3 stacks of roofied chocolate and 6 candy bags from last halloween #FeelsGoodMan
I'm trying to figure out how to copy and paste some designs I found online together so I can print them all off at the same time. Can someone...