I agree
I, ZundelsMommy, agree to give NoHack_JustSkill 62,5m in return of a 25$ gc.
I ZundelsMommy agree to give Polski_Kotel 14m in return for the uwu tag
Me, ZundelsMommy, agree to give Nohack_justskil 20$ in return of 51m.
I, Rippi1, agree to give GrindForRewards 190.5m and 43jp's in return of a 80$ gc.
me, Rippi1, agree to give ShonTM 1 10$ gc in return of 23.6m
I, Rippi1, agree that I buy the 10$ gc for 2.25m per $
I, Rippi1, agree
I collected my monthly Supreme Rank gifts and only got the supply drops, not the boosters
I, Rippi1 accept the deal
I (Rippi1) got scammed by zqyc by 100k... it isn't much but the fact that he told me 100 times that we would not scam made me create this ticket...