I keep a list of players that influenced me, and friends from my early days on gtm. I keep it around purely for nostalgia. Hotwheeldan...
While I liked it this is 100% correct. And if anyone is wondering why it had a low playercount towards the end it's mainly because there was not...
Throwable spamming is gae!
That's such a good deal for you zCai :/
Can't even keep track of X-staff anymore, but of all of them I definately remember flaming and a few others, cursed, iTraitor, bright, aka, royal,...
Who else remembers pre-JustNassim GTM?
Happy B-Day! Thx for being part of this server for so long!
Could use adjustments but i'll do it later if I remember.
Vice was fun, but the staff team clearly didn't have the motives or resources and therefore couldn't keep up with it. If they didn't care before,...
Create a ticket, also spamming is spamming, hacker or not.
Mini's should be buffed a little, in accuracy. I agree with raising katanas to GF. If anything GF should be more expensive and offer more then...
Sometimes players take their helm off as a strat. Besides, i was talking about grounding more than jping.
What if it breaks and they have a spare?
They can't really prove it so no.
Optifine has it but it's not very good, just look for a texture pack with it.
@huskylord_810 please do not make comments on threads more then 2 weeks (14 days) after the last comment.
No such thing as meth abusing, it's called knowing about the game.
They should probably just DQ you :]