What movie?
GL with that!
Other servers have done it.
Only a few are useful tho
Could you not just set those cords to false? Is there any discussion on how to fix this issue? I say just remove KB from guns.
If you mean charge back from the server you can't, it's stated very clearly the store terms and agreements that ALL PURCHASES ARE FINAL.
Please don't necropost.
Took you long enough xD
It's really not that hard. The only limiting factor is that GTM has custom models which means the resource pack works a bit differently. The only...
Why don't you make it so bullets destroy panes that aren't part of houses, and they regen after 30 secs?
Don't you love food, sleep, family..
@SkylixMC I thought i'd let you know it worked, thx!
That's why I stopped ground pvping, KB on the minigun always knocks you into something and you can't shoot. If you ask me gun's shouldn't do kb...
Make a formal appeal here: https://grandtheftmc.net/support
Did you even look at the replies?
I get a headache if I take longer than a 2 1/2 hour nap.
I physically can't sleep for a week.
It is a custom resource pack that a gtm player made. You can make your own or you can download a few from this channel. [MEDIA]