I'll watch it
Well you did hack, you broke the rules and staff have the power and right to punish for it. You did this yourself.
IDK I was joking @JustNassim
Mute evading :/
Again it happens ALL THE TIME, and people almost never mean for it to happen.
Any1 wanna do a deal for 10 mil and 4500 nets on 7?
Haven't watched it but lol.
Isn't it always on purpose?
You can't just make something glitch abuse. It's either a glitch or not, and you're either abusing it or not. I read it all and I agree with what...
So it's not bannable If it is then why do you not like punishing for it? If it isn't then why do people even care about it? What should be...
I was banned for using stungun in a hydra. I was told that it was bannable but I did it anyways because I had screenshots of staff telling me it...
How is that abuse at all? Litterally everybody does it. Also it's not stated that any of these things are against the rules, therefore, are they...
"Its like someone stun gun abusing staff cannot fix it people will just spam space bar to avoid falling to there death." That's not a glitch. I...
It's not glitch abuse if you have no control over it. It's not glitch abuse to try to stop yourself from dying (especially to something as stupid...
I'm not talking about shooting from other cars, i'm saying you can't get shot while you are in other cars. The BMX is fine.
No, this happens so often in wing pvp it's just part of the game. And as for the other things you mentioned, that's not glitch abusing, it's being...