This is just a little survey, I love politics and want to see what the GTM community is all about.
Yes, I know they are not nessecarily the same thing. I just put them together because they strongly correlate with one another.
Sounds about right, except you said with a squad u teamer.
Helpers cannot ban players
This won't help you with anything, just warning you. Trades / deals are only secured if they have to do with IRL money and follow the correct format.
It's a good idea, it just defeats the purpose of the whole system.
Ddosing is flooding somebody's internet so that it cannot function normally. There are several ways to do it but they all work about the same....
Good luck fixing it!
Firefox is correct
Interesting @DieHeldernaar
But if you have to vote to get the voteshop rewards ppl will vote more then if they could just buy from people.
No, read the quote that I put on my post :/
Look at the quote on my post ;)
1st, my name's at the bottom.