Comments on Profile Post by EIitePvP

  1. MrTacoMan
    JPing, you can make more of a profit and besides hitreg, it’s practically all skill (not) ;)
    Jan 2, 2020
    EIitePvP and FeuerKai like this.
  2. FeuerKai
    JPing OwO (cuz taco carries me)
    Jan 2, 2020
  3. Darkrai
    Winging, as it's not just ping + hitreg ;)
    Jan 3, 2020
    EIitePvP and FeuerKai like this.
  4. N0HaxJustMango
    ^ and its 10x more fun and more interesting
    Jan 9, 2020
  5. EIitePvP
    Gotta agree, espeically with Dark, winging is almost not hit reg and ping related c; (Also that amazing feeling after you drop snipe someone xD)
    Jan 14, 2020