1. NoHaxJustSpark
    Also me, I think
    Dec 13, 2018
    Owendog77 and IanPeru like this.
  2. SkylixMC
    Define OG
    Dec 13, 2018
  3. adsfghjkl12
    He means rip every Olive Garden ever.
    Dec 13, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  4. Owendog77
    As sky said, define OG. There are many old players still playing. Some much longer then me.
    Dec 13, 2018
  5. IanPeru
    @SkylixMC @Owendog77 Roughly explained, anyone who used to be big on GTM but doesn't play anymore/quit because of the weapon balance.

    and yes Sparky counts
    Dec 18, 2018
    Owendog77 likes this.
  6. Owendog77
    Weapon (un)balance killed gtm. Just a few minutes ago i was having a zen moment thinking about OG gtm.
    Dec 18, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  7. IanPeru
    I get those ALOOOOT
    Dec 18, 2018
    Owendog77 likes this.
  8. Owendog77
    Same, honestly miss it.
    Dec 19, 2018
  9. SkylixMC
    @IanPeru do you have to quit to become an OG?
    Dec 19, 2018
  10. Owendog77
    No, most og players quit for reasons similar to me. They're tired of all this BS balancing, bad changes...
    Dec 19, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  11. IanPeru
    @SkylixMC No but an OG would quit because of the changes like Owen77 said. OG's stayed in the game to lord over players with their well earned Gusenberg and Minigun capabilities and the grind for jetpacks/katanas. Once those factors left GTM became old to people who played for those reasons :(
    Dec 21, 2018
    Owendog77 likes this.
  12. NoHaxJustSpark
    Those seem to be fair reasons that an OG would quit, but per THAT definition, I'm not an OG. If you take time played, i'm an OG, but I didn't stop playing because of balance changes.
    Dec 23, 2018
    Owendog77 and IanPeru like this.
  13. Owendog77
    You dont have to quit to be an OG, you dont even have to dislike balance changes. I consider anybody from gtm2 an OG in my opinion. But to be a real OG i say your first join must be before the boom of summer 2017. Before june 1, 2017
    Dec 23, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  14. IanPeru
    clarification: you do not need to quit to be considered an OG(in my book)
    Dec 23, 2018
    Owendog77 likes this.
  15. NoHaxJustSpark
    Ian you don't need to like all my comments lol
    Dec 24, 2018
    IanPeru and Owendog77 like this.
  16. IanPeru
    Jan 4, 2019
    kittens4050 and Owendog77 like this.
  17. kittens4050
    am i a og (i joined like 1 year and 3-5 months ago) Fun fact: I was on when they did the mini-gun nerf like i was on when they restarted the server and the snipers were pretty good and all the players on building sniping the noobs ( i was an no rank back then )
    May 10, 2019
  18. IanPeru
    @kittens4050 I distinctly remember you being my black market contraband dealer. Your in my book as an OG for sure =]
    May 22, 2019
    kittens4050 likes this.