Comments on Profile Post by NoHaxJustSpark

  1. Lemongrab
    I know how you feel, and I was going to have a $50 donation lined up for this Thursday, thankfully it didn't go through, I wanna see what happens with this Nerf.
    Mar 12, 2018
  2. MixLogic
    What a lot of you don’t take under consideration is that we nerfed the minigun because players were telling us that it was too overpowered, then we had people saying it needed to be buffed so we buffed it and people still aren’t satisfied.
    Mar 12, 2018
  3. MixLogic
    There is no pleasing all of you. Maybe if miniguns become too much of a problem we will need to make them extremely harder to obtain. The fact of the matter is if we buff it, 80% of our players get mad because they can’t play anymore. If we nerf it 20% of the players get mad (the high ranking players this time) that they can’t use their minigun anymore.
    Mar 12, 2018
  4. MixLogic
    How would you feel about doubling minigun prices or removing it entirely. Because that’s where we are now
    Mar 12, 2018
  5. Owendog77
    I certainly dont want prices doubled!

    But i completely understand you mix, you may not know it but i do

    The fact is that the higher ranked players are more likely to spend money on the server

    Even tho all people quit eventually, new playerbase is always nesecary to keep the server running.

    Im about to post an idea for a salution on bugs and suggestions, check it out.
    Mar 12, 2018
  6. NoHaxJustSpark
    @MixLogic Nobody asked for it to be nerfed, the majority of players thought it was fine. The nerf that was 1 month ago fixed it perfectly.
    Mar 12, 2018
    Owendog77 likes this.