1. UziBrick
    I thought you're german, but ok!!
    Jan 21, 2018
  2. Barry
    I went back to Uk... read my prof. Posts xD
    Jan 21, 2018
  3. UziBrick
    Yea, but you're german, right?
    Jan 21, 2018
  4. Barry
    Nope I am British. I lived in germany for allmost 6years
    Jan 21, 2018
  5. UziBrick
    Thats why your name is flo (florian I'm assuming) and you have a German accent.
    Jan 22, 2018
  6. Barry
    I haven't spoke English a rly long time, I only spoke german in the past so I kinda forgot how to speak English. And Florian is my 2nd name. My “real“ name is Barry
    Jan 22, 2018
  7. UziBrick
    Hashtec, please don't start this again. I haven't been to an english speaking country in 10 years. I've lived in moscow for 7 years, how come my second name isn't Dimitri and I don't have a russian accent?
    Jan 22, 2018
  8. Barry
    End of this discussions (we had an pm chat)
    Jan 22, 2018