This is a potion against zCai. This is for zCai to be demoted and become a regular player, this player dose not help the sever at all. Say I if you agree The reason I say this is because when I was trying to get a hacker banned, zCai would not lead me in the direction of a mod.This allowed the hacker to kill 5 more of my friends in jp katanas which they worked hard for and so I'm upset because those jp katanas were me and my friends. I'm just tired of helpers who don't help.
First of all: Use proper grammar. Secondly: Show us proof that he isn't helping. Be more constructive. Third: I dissagree with you, zCai is an awesome staff memeber. Fourth: @zCai Tell me what you think about this.
If you have an issue with staff members, please send RoyalSkid a private message. This is not the way to do it.