"Grand Theft" Dictionary

Discussion in 'Global Discussion' started by Jonas, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. Jonas

    Jonas Hobo

    Sep 27, 2017
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    This is a joke, don't take it seriously.
    Contains a list of words/phrases commonly used throughout the GTM server. Will be updated along the way.

    In no particular order,

    1.Grand Theft Minecart
    When kids can't play the actual GTA due to them being a kid so they play make belief on a minecraft server.

    1. Noob/Nub
    The one word which is binded to every keyboard, instantly activated upon a kill or death. If you use it, you might wanna try to git gud. If used against you, use it back.

    2. ReCoRdEd
    Half the time, the caller is probably not recording, other half is actually actively using a recording software. Uusally used when one dies as they can't admit others are better.

    3. Ez/eZ/easy
    Used by one who needs self assruance that they are better by making other feel bad. If you use it you might wanna rethink your life choices.

    4. Other common insults
    Typical ones inculdes - skrub, sux, etc.

    1. Fucksenberg Sweeper
    The run-and-gun king cus' no one seems to be able to control recoil.

    2. RPG
    "omg you can't pvp so you spam rockets you sux"
    Somewhat of a crutch to get ez kills.

    3. Homing Launcher
    Bascially a RPG that flys towards you. Half of the users don't know about the locking mechanic and spam it like a RPG.
    Also one of those weapons that can tear friendships apart when someone doesn't want to return it to its owner.

    4. "mini" gun
    Funny that people who use it can't aim for shit.
    Also one of those items that can destroy releationships.
    "pls gib back mini or unteam"

    5. Katana
    You mean the damn knife that always 1-shot you. Commonly paired with JP to be a flying dickhead that annoys others on the ground. If someone uses it with the wingsuit you better run as they are most likely haxxing.

    6. Wingsuit
    Also known as the "eZ farming 4 wingsuits".

    7. Sticky bombs
    All sticky spammers are mentally challenged.

    8. Titan/Titanium
    That's it.

    9. Net Launcher
    Use to net yourself a tasty winger.
    Or as an auto-rpg (in it's broken state).
    It is a dick move to use it against another winger in a 1v1 fite.

    10. Grenade Launcher
    Another crutch weapon, before the update it was a 1-shot against armoured players.

    11. Other weapons
    Outside the meta, other weapons have literally no place other than for memes.
    E.g no one uses pistols, shotguns are gay and rifles are ignored other than Advanced rifles.

    1. Kuruma
    The only vehicle ever used. Players who use it are referred to as "car cunt/kuruma kunt" as they are unable to porperly PvP, hence use the vehicles health as an advantage in fights.

    2. Other cars
    Don't buy them they're useless.

    3. Maverick/Attack Maverick
    For poor people who can't use the JP/Wingsuit.

    4. Ranked Players
    Kids who steal their parent's credit cards to purchase themselves a rank.
    Half of players with ranks are dicks, other half is nice people.

    5. Cop Mode
    When one is pissed, they go to cop mode in order to arrest their opponent in 1 shot. When one is arrested they normally scream "WTF/How/Cop noob".

    6. Permit Houses
    Owned by idioits who aren't online in forever. You ain't gonna own one forget it.

    7. Hackers/Haxxers/H@xX3R5
    If you hack : [​IMG]

    If you wish to add suggestions, just comment down below.

    Edit logs
    - Added "Grand Theft Minecraft" listing
    - Added fullstops
    • Like Like x 1
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    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
  2. HenningLenz

    HenningLenz Gangster

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Pretty accurate 69/69
  3. MixLogic

    MixLogic Author of GTM Code of Conduct Supreme

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Manager on Grand Theft Minecart
    United States
    Lmao pretty funny actually, I agree with the insults.