Hello everyone, as of 10.25.2024, we have started the Halloween Event, bringing back many of the old features and aspects but also making changes to the old Halloween! The Event itself will last until the 10th November (also displayed by the bar at the top of your screen), enabling Daytime and Nighttime cycles. During the night, skeletons will spawn and attack players! Skeletons & Bloody Bones! The Skeletons will be dropping Poisoned Chocolate which you can trade for Bloody Bones at the Bloody Micheal NPC located at spawn (Close to the Info-Building). Additionally, you will be able to obtain bloody bones from killing players this year! By obtaining Bloody Bones you will be able to access the Halloween Shop featuring a list of special Event Items like: Special Armor Special Event Tags Weapons Gold More! Trick or Treating & Candy Bag Aside from obtaining Bloody Bones, u will be able to obtain Candy Bags from Skeletons, which can be used to Trick or Treat by right-clicking the doors of premium houses and spending $10.000. By doing so you may have a chance to win something! Halloween Sale 2024! Alongside the Event itself, we enabled a 25% sale on all store items (Excluding gift cards) live now! Besides we will also be adding new special STORE exclusive Tags for this Halloween! So if you ever planned on upgrading ur rank, stocking up some gold, or getting yourself a nice tag now is the perfect chance! Halloween Indus & Sauron/Dungeon EVENT! We will also return the loved Halloween-style Industrial Area with all its features and special on-map events alongside the Halloween Spawn! Aside from some smaller changes (a giant nuclear explosion) we have made sure to keep it the "OG" way and made sure all on-map events like the cauldron, pumpkin, and maze are featured! And of course, we have also returned the legendary "Sauron" Event enabling you to access a special and spooky area by going through a special portal located in the depths of Industrial-Area's water which will be opened every 2 Hours for 25 minutes! In this Dungeon, you will face special mobs, mazes, and jump n' runs at the reward of great loot! A special thanks goes out to NiceTryL, one of our new developers who is responsible for fixing up the event for this year in addition of adding new changes!
Привет, форумчане! Интересно бы узнать, какими сервисами доставки еды вы пользуетесь? Я столкнулся над тем, какие реально стоят внимания. Меня интересует скорость доставки, качество еды, а также удобство. Какие, на ваш взгляд, службы доставки самые надежные, а какие не оправдали ваших ожиданий? ________________ https://www.chitalnya.ru/press/3599/