Easter Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Cyborg_, Apr 3, 2022.

  1. Cyborg_

    Cyborg_ Homie Staff Member Owner Developer

    Aug 10, 2020
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    Welcome to the GTM Easter Patch notes! This patch brings a
    brand new way to play rock, paper, scissors, weapon balances, and most importantly; The Easter Event!


    This easter events comes with new tags, new shop items and a brand new event spawn, we have kept the core parts of the event that everyone knows and loves the same!

    The easter shop was changed from last years to implement new weapons, new tags and new rewards!

    In order to demonstrate this years tags, I've captured a player modeling each tag!



    The Carrot tag will be buyable for 60 easter chocolate, the Chick tag will be buyable for 100 easter chocolate, the Fluffy tag will be buyable for 110 easter chocolate, and finally the EggHunter tag will be buyable for 140 easter chocolate!

    The primary way to get
    Easter Chocolates is by killing Easter Bunnies! You will be able to find Easter Bunnies around the map. or take things into your own hands and spawn them yourself! Spawning Easter Bunnies is as simple as throwing down an easter egg! Each egg has a change to spawn an Easter Bunny or bonus loot! Easter bunnies will lay eggs overtime giving you an infinite supply of eggs, or you can choose to kill off the bunnies sooner to reap the rewards!


    Easter eggs can be obtained in a multitude of ways! The most popular way to obtain easter eggs is through Easter Bunnies. If you are just starting off and do not have any eggs they can be obtained from other players, the vote shop, and through the Easter Egg Hunt!

    The Easter Egg Hunt is a way to get easy eggs, and if you manage to find all 25 eggs, an exclusive easter tag! Eggs will be hidden all over the map, when finding an egg all you need to do is right click the egg to receive your rewards!



    Hearing the community's feedback on the addition of the RPS command with a vote of 263 - 5, we have decided to full-fill the wishes of such command and add it!

    The new RPS command allows you to RPS both items and money, with a max item wager of 28 items! You can start and RPS with any player by executing the command
    "/rps <player>". Executing this command will bring you to the RPS Request Menu!


    Click the Jetpack will allow you to add items to your RPS Wager, once they are added they cannot be removed unless you cancel the request, or exit the menu.

    Clicking the
    Money will allow you to add $10,000 to the current RPS money wager.

    Clicking the
    Gold will allow you to add a custom amount to your current RPS money wager.

    Clicking the
    Emerald will allow you to view your current RPS item wager.

    Hovering over the
    Diamond will allow you to view the current RPS money wager.

    Clicking the
    Green Glass will allow you to confirm the RPS Request, this will remove the money from the your money, if you do not have the money it will cancel the request.

    Clicking the
    Red Glass will cancel your RPS.

    After clicking on the
    Green Glass the RPS will be sent out. The target player will have the option to accept or deny the RPS. If the RPS is denied you will receive your full RPS wager back. If the target accepts the RPS they will have the wager taken from them, if the target does not have the items required to start the RPS, the RPS will be cancelled and your items will be refunded. If the target has the items and money required to start the RPS, the RPS will begin!


    How to RPS:

    The RPS will begin the second the target player accepts the RPS, in order to select your RPS choice, either Rock (Stone Item), Paper (Map Item), or Scissors (Shears Item) you must click on the specified item. You have until all of the stained glass panes on the bottom of the GUI switch from red to green. The RPS is best of 5 rounds, it is possible to tie, in which you and your opponent will both receive your wagers back in full.

    Emerald will display how many wins you have, how many rounds you have played, and your opponents wins.

    Redstone will allow you to forfeit the RPS by clicking on it, this will give the full wager to the opponent.

    The GTM Senior team took in the consideration the community meeting results from a few months back when deciding to make these changes, ones that the community had requested.

    All vehicles will now have a "Entry Delay", when clicking on a vehicle it will send you a message in chat telling you how long it will take to enter your vehicle, each vehicle has a different entry time.


    All vehicles will also have a temporary blindness effect when exiting a vehicle, the duration will depend on the vehicle you are exiting.

    Health: 200 - 150
    Speed: 1.5 - 1.1
    Entry Delay: 3 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 4 Seconds

    Health: 180 - 160
    Entry Delay: 3 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 4 Seconds

    Startup Speed: 50% Reduction
    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 3 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 3 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 3 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 3 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    Entry Delay: 2 Seconds
    Exit Effect Time: 2 Seconds

    • The Heavy sniper is no longer allowed well mid air
    • Weapon weight will now be ignored well wearing a jetpack (This change MAY not have gone live yet, if It has not it will go live in the next 24 hours.)
    • The BrowningM2 was added to the spawn shop for 100k.
    Range: 42 - 45

    Range: 42 - 45

    Base Damage: 4.3 - 3.8
    Range: 55 - 52
    Fire Rate: Very slight decrease
    Base Damage: 3.0 - 3.1
    Accuracy: 25% Increase

    Base Damage: 2.4 - 2.6
    Accuracy: 25% Increase

    Base Damage: 3.0 - 2.8

    Base Damage: 2.8 - 3.0
    Base Damage: 2.5 - 2.7

    Base Damage: 2.1 - 2.4
    Fire Rate: Very slight increase

    Changes not related to weapons:
    • 50% of gold from houses force sold will now be automatically refunded to the owners.


    • Fixed a bug that allowed you to bypass the BrowningM2s warmup
    • Fixed a bug that allowed you to buy a trial rank from the easter shop even if you had a permanent rank higher or equal to said trial.
    • Other minor fixes.
    • All bugs that will be created from this patch to be fixed. apologies in advance.
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
  2. FeuerKai

    FeuerKai Administrator Staff Member Admin

    May 25, 2018
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    Awesome, you did a great job Cy! Can't wait to play
  3. _dontlookdown_

    _dontlookdown_ Criminal

    Jul 5, 2019
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    • Sexy Sexy x 1
  4. _ByConcorde_

    _ByConcorde_ Hobo

    Feb 4, 2019
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    with all due respect but why did you add the browning for 100k? Now every winger is going to use this instead of heavy sniper and since it has a higher fire rate than most wingers iq, its impossible to miss while it deals decent damage (Not sure, havent played yet, still i can already tell its going to be the new meta) Also why did you nerf the ground vehicles? (except bmx) They were useless already since you can just warp and dont need extra speed for anything, since they are 1hit by explosions anyway.
    I mean yeah afterall, its a good change but some aspects should definitely be overthought again.
  5. Cyborg_

    Cyborg_ Homie Staff Member Owner Developer

    Aug 10, 2020
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    Most vehicles were used to get around, then hop out and "spray and pray". The cars only received a slight delay that will help to counter that strategy.

    It is not viable to drop browning, since you have to take your wing off to start charging it, you need to be extremely high up, and even then you most likely won't hit a winger.