So recently I have noticed that chests, furnaces, ender chests, enchanting tables and anvils seem to spazz out a lot. By spazz out I mean they change from the block they are into stone. It happens at random. Sometimes its quick but other times it will stay stone and if you are on top of the block you end up stuck in it and have to break it. Below are some photos. As you can see above my auto cooker shows stone where the hoppers, chest and furnace are. Now above after I punched some of the blocks they turned back into what they were before. And finally you can see what it actually is supposed to be. I'm assuming its a glitch with anti xray and lag, but I do not know for certain.
Hi, Thanks for the report. This is from the anti xray client that we installed a couple weeks back. Does this cause any issues such as interrupting the smelting / brewing of certain items?
It doesn't cause any issues that relate to not being able to smelt items or getting the items once they are smelted, but it is annoying when all chests and furnaces are stone blocks and it does glitch the screen and glitches if you stand on the item when it is a stone block which is also annoying.
The glitch still exists? It appears to be solved on my screen.. strange! If that is the case I hope this issue gets fully resolved.
Yeah the glitch still exists, sorry to bug about it, but it is very annoying getting stuck and having stone blocks in replace, Also it does it to more blocks now I suppose, because not enderchests and enchant tables also turn to stone
Sorry, just to confirm here - is it visual only, or do you actually have to destroy and replace? And when you break the stone block, are you given it as a drop?
Sorry for the late response. But this is just a visual glitch. However sometimes the block won't turn back into what it was prior. Example a chest which now looks like stone won't turn back into a chest. But if you break it then a chest will drop and it's contents. So nothing is lost. It seems the more you have going on in the area the worse you are effected. So my small above ground base the chests are almost always normal as well as the furnaces and enchanting table. However my underground auto Cocaine farm almost always the chests, furnaces, anvils and tables look like stone.