Account Transfer

Discussion in 'Bugs and Suggestions' started by Iccxy, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. Iccxy

    Iccxy Artist Build Team

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Hello, I am here to post about how it would be possible if I could transfer items/permits/houses from one account to another. The reason I am asking is because recently my main account was hacked, I have no way of accessing my main account anymore and so I am trying to get mojang to give my account back, as usual though they take forever to respond. So I was wondering if its possible to transfer all of my stuff from my main account (Icy2) to my alternative account (MostlyIcy). Usually in the case of this happening is very rare, and I don't have a clue on how stuff like this would work out. I don't want to lose my items in my houses and I have no way of logging on my main account to stop the automated system from force-selling my premium houses. If its possible, I would love if I could at least get my houses/permits on my alternate account for maybe a year max, mojang support takes about a year to respond sadly and that's the only way I'd be able to get my main account back. Please let me know if something like this is possible!
  2. FinishedTouch

    FinishedTouch Homie

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Hey Iccxy! Thank you for describing your issue, but I don't bring the best of news.

    Your situation sucks, and I hate to say this, but, unfortunately, we do not do transfers. Transfers are long, and tedious, and require lots of work from management. However, you can still make a support ticket here: with your issue, and you will get a direct response from a Manager. What I will tell you first, is that the managers will most likely tell you to keep trying to recover your account by yourself. Even if you do say Mojang takes about a year to respond, you might want to prepare yourself to have to wait that long. So best of luck to you, I hope they might make an exception, because that really doesn't sound cool.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

    Sincerely, Finished
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