Discussion in 'Announcements' started by KwonShiYun, Jul 4, 2018.

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  1. KwonShiYun

    KwonShiYun MammaStaff

    Sep 6, 2017
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    The senior team has decided to award three hard working staff members each month. They have put not only time and effort into GTM. But, have gone beyond their rank and status to help improve and enrich the experience for the players of the server. The senior members would like to award you with these rewards below.
    • 1000 Tokens.
    • 100 Crowbars.
    • A temporary special discord rank.
    • A temporary special place in the staff room.
    • Permanent forum post here showing others the date that you made a mark in GTM history.
    • And, lastly a special GTM badge that will fit as your discord avatar and/or can be used for whatever you want.
    For the month of June year 2018 the senior team has selected these amazing staff members.

    JustNassim_Badge.png Flofin_Badge.png
    For the month of July year 2018 the senior team has selected these amazing staff members.

    DieHeldernaar_Avatar.png WrapItB4uTapIt_Avatar.png Diz_Avatar.png

    For the month of August year 2018 the senior team has selected these amazing staff members. The senior team would also like to thank a very hard working staff member this month SkylixMC as an admin has taken large strides in helping the team become better!

    WrapItB4uTapItS_Avatar.png JustNassimS_Avatar.png CursedSKG_Avatar.png SkylixMC_Avatar.png
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    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
  2. KwonShiYun

    KwonShiYun MammaStaff

    Sep 6, 2017
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    For the month of September year 2018 the senior team has selected these amazing staff members.

    Flofin_BadgeS.png Kataclar_Badge.png 19FireFox19_Badge.png
    For the month of October year 2018 the senior team has selected these amazing staff members.

    CursedSKGS_Badge.png DerpDr0id_Badge.png

    To the rest of our fellow staff members, keep up the hard work and continue to strive to make GTM a better place for everyone to enjoy.
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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  3. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    For the month of November, the senior team has chosen the following staff members as the STAFF OF THE MONTH:

    Dieheldernaar (SrMod): You have continued to show dedication and have taken many initiatives as SrMod this month. You are a very hard working staff member, and we think you deserve this honor this month!
    Niti_ (Mod): You are a very active, and helpful member of the staff team. You are dedicated to helping the community by answering their questions so everyone knows how to play the game. You have also taken on your role as moderator seriously, and we think you earned this honor as the Staff of the Month!
    DeletusThouFetus (Helper): Despite being a young staff member, Deletus has already shown us his worth. He is very helpful and is always the first to answer any questions. Deletus, you have earned yourself the staff of the month!

    Your badges will be handed out later within a few week!
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2019
  4. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    For the month of December, the senior team has chosen the following staff members as the STAFF OF THE MONTH:

    Adsfghjkl12 (SrMod): You have worked very hard this month. Not only did were you extremely active and a valuable helping hand, but you also stayed on top of handling your appeals, handling bans, and even making sure that the players of GTM had vacant houses to purchase by spending hours of your time force selling those houses. You have truly shined this month.
    PS: As your trainer all those ages ago, Ads, you have made me proud ;).

    Niti_ (Mod): I said that right folks. For the second time in a row, Niti, you have once again stolen Staff of the Month by continuing the excellent job! You help our wonderful community, ban those nasty hackers, and are an indispensable part of our staff team. You should be proud of yourself.


    With the announcement of this months, SOTM, I also want to thank our community for a great month and the amazing support you all have continued to show. We hope you all had a great Christmas once again.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2019
  5. KwonShiYun

    KwonShiYun MammaStaff

    Sep 6, 2017
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    I want to start this SOTM by saying that it was kind of difficult to pick who we wanted for SOTM because there really wasn't many staff under performing and there were a ton of staff that were over performing and doing an overly excellent job. I want to thank all of the staff members who have worked exceptionally well this month and if we could we would make you all staff of the month. But, of course we had to come down to some choices.

    For the month of January 2019!!!!, the senior team has chosen the following staff members as the STAFF OF THE MONTH:

    For SrMod we have chosen - adsfghjk12

    For Mod we have chosen - xX_Lawless_Xx

    For Helpop we have chosen Crispygoose88

    And, we are doing a fourth this month as HunterAura312 has worked exceptionally hard and is an honorary choice of SOTM this month.

    I will add the badges to the post soon! I will also hand them out soon after <3. (sorry that my post is not as cool as sky's xD)
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  6. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    I know we said this last month too, but its the truth: Picking STAFF OF THE MONTH this month was tough. Choosing a couple of staff member to be awarded for this honor is getting tougher and tougher because a significant amount of you are going above and beyond.

    With that said, for the month of
    FEBRUARY, the senior team has chosen the following staff members as the STAFF OF THE MONTH:

    Moderator RedstoneFinder

    RedstoneFinder, on behalf of the Senior team, I want to let you know that not just this month, but overall the entire team you have been a part of our family, you have stood out. You have created a clear distinction for yourself in our eyes. You not only actively answer /help question but on top of that, you put the extra work to make questions in even general chat are answered. You are kind. You are welcoming to all. And you definitely earned this honor this month. We hope you are proud of yourself.

    Moderator Crispygoose88

    Crispygoose88, you have invested countless quantity of hours, but not just that, countless quality hours on GTM. You really caught the attention of the senior team this month! You take the time to answer not only /help questions, but questions in general chat much like RedstoneFinder. You clearly have the skill it takes to multitask between answering the /help questions and handling rule breakers that attempt to wreak havoc to our server. I am glad to announce you as a winner of SOTM for the second month in a row.

    Overall, I am very thankful to our staff members, and not just the winners of Staff of the Month but all of them. Keep up the good job and thank you all <3!
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  7. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Hello everyone! This month, GTM is proud to announce more staff members who in our eyes have really shined. It because of the hard work and dedication of staff members like these that GTM even exists. So without further due.

    During the month of
    MARCH, the senior team would like to award the following members with STAFF OF THE MONTH.

    Senior Moderator HunterAura312

    Hunter, from your first month during November 2018 to now during March 2019, as witnessed by the people of GTM and evidenced by your NOVEMBER 2018 SOTM BADGE, you have done great. You are the person who takes initiative, shows leadership, and generally loves to help out! Your time on GTM not only consists of quality but as well as quantity. You are online every day, always ready to help the guy in chat or catch the hacker at spawn. We are proud to announce you this honor.

    Moderator BrainControl
    Brain, you know what I like about you? You aren't afraid to ask questions or make mistakes. And that's a quality I think all of us should respect. You know what they say, "even Einstien asked questions". Asking questions shows you are actively thinking about and engaging in your job. Because of that quality, you were able to learn very fast and become a moderator is such a short period of time. Congratulations of becoming our March 2019 STAFF OF THE MONTH!

    Now, I was gonna mention honorable mentions but it didn't feel right because at a later month, these staff members do deserve full fledge spots on STAFF OF THE MONTH themselves. You all know who you are.
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  8. JustNassim

    JustNassim Hobo

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Hello! I got the honor to announce the Staff Of The Month for the month May. The senior team has noticed wonderful work from the staff members. Both long time- and new staff members have shown great work physics. Unfortunately, we cannot select all of our staff members as a Staff Of The Month.

    During the month of MAY, the senior team would like to award the following members with STAFF OF THE MONTH.

    Moderator - iExpo

    Helper - N0HacksJustMango

    We appreciate the work of all of the staff members, so make sure to keep up the great work!
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  9. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Hello there, best community of the entire minecraft world! It is that time of the month again; time to announce the staff of the month, for the month of June. The senior staff team has noticed the INSANE effort every single staff member has put in, and is very thankful for the staff members that have made this possible.

    Unfortunately there can only be 2 staff of the month winners every month. With that said, i would like to present our staff of the month for the month of June:

    -Helper - Grandacity

    -Moderator - BrainControl

    The senior team was considering adding honorable mentions, but noticed that we would just put down way too many of them due to the insane work they have been putting in.

    Keep up the great work guys!
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  10. JustNassim

    JustNassim Hobo

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Hello! I got the honor to announce the Staff Of The Month for the month August. The senior team has noticed outstanding work from the staff members. Both long time- and new staff members have shown great work physics. Unfortunately, we cannot select all of our staff members as a Staff Of The Month.

    During the month of AUGUST, the senior team would like to award the following members with STAFF OF THE MONTH.

    Moderator - Mr_Taco_Man

    Moderator - 19Firefox98

    We appreciate the work of all of the staff members, so make sure to keep up the great work!
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  11. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Hello everyone! It is time for yet another round of STAFF OF THE MONTH *Video Game Music Plays in the Background*..! This month, we saw impressive work ethics from several of our staff members. Particularly, this month, we were impressed with @EIitePvP and @11kobeer for not only doing there job, and doing it damn well, but also going beyond that.

    During the month of
    SEPTEMBER, the senior team would like to award the following members with STAFF OF THE MONTH.

    Senior Moderator 11kobeer

    11kobeer, you have demonstrated great skills as a leader by stepping up to the plate and taking initiatives to do beyond what you are supposed to. Not only do you excel as a senior moderator, but over that, we were happy to see you coming up to us asking for how to improve as well as coming up with ways where you can help us on GTM. And that "inituative," or stepping up yourself and telling us how you can contribute to GTM better without us asking you; It's a quality we would like to see in every staff member.

    Moderator EIitePvP
    And then we have EIitePvP... You EIitePvP, are an all-around well-rounded in everything. You answer confused fellas in /help in detail, your response to any issues or hackers immediately, you help out your staff buddies where needed, and in general, you stay engaged with other staff and are overall very likable as a person. Oh, and by the way, thanks a lot for helping us fine-tune @GARY the Anticheat. You were a great help there too! I really appreciated you stepping up to the game on that end :).

    Talking off...
    I would like to give an honorable mention to @GARY the Anticheat. Gary has been working 24/7 around the clock to catch and report hackers to our moderators. He is so dedicated to GTM that he doesn't even eat, drink or poop while on GTM! But, I didn't like his attitude so he is just getting an honorable mention. So the lesson of the day @GARY, respect your father a little more (me). So maybe next time, you would get an honorable mention in a bigger font,...
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  12. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Hello there, best community of the entire minecraft world! It is that time of the month again; time to announce the staff of the month, for the month of November. The senior staff team has noticed the high effort every single staff member has put in, and is very thankful for the staff members that have made this possible.

    Unfortunately there can only be 2(/3) staff of the month winners every month. With that said, i would like to present our staff of the month for the month of November:

    -Senior moderator EIitePVP:

    Congratulations EIite. You have worked insanely hard the past month, and it was a relatively easy decision to pick you as one of the Staff of the month winners for the month of November. Not only do you help us seniors out a lot, you are always the first person to be there for the community, to help them keep the game playable. Congratulations, again!

    -Moderator SingularBubble:

    Congratulations Singular! You have had yourself one heck of a month, which is why we decided to reward you with the staff of the month award, just like EIite. I have known you for a very short period of time, but since we met, i instantly noticed howmuch of a future you have. Congratulations, again!

    To those who did not make it on the list, make sure you keep in mind that it's an incredibly hard decision for us to make, every single month. There is a good chance you missed out on the reward by just a bit. So make sure you keep that in mind for future award.

    Keep up the great work guys!
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  13. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Hello there, dear community! It is that time of the month again; time to announce the staff of the month, for the month of December. Isn't that cool? Becoming staff of the month in the month of December, I think it is. The senior staff team has noticed the high effort every single staff member has put in and is very thankful for the staff members that have made this possible.

    Unfortunately there can only be 2(/3) staff of the month winners every month. With that said, I would like to present our staff of the month for the month of December:

    -Senior moderator ItsDeo:

    Congratulations, ItsDeo! You are a very stable part of our staff team, and without you, the team wouldn't be near where it is right now. Thanks a lot for your assistance day in, day out. Congratulations, again.

    -Moderator FpsLandon:
    Congratulations, FpsLandon! The senior team has noticed a very obvious step-up from you this past month. Normally, we'd like to see you as a good Moderator but the past month you have shown us that you clearly have what it takes to be an amazing moderator. Congratulations, again.

    To those who did not make it on the list, make sure you keep in mind that it's an incredibly hard decision for us to make, every single month. There is a good chance you missed out on the reward by just a bit. So make sure you keep that in mind for future awards.

    Keep up the great work guys!
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  14. MrTacoMan

    MrTacoMan A Taco, that is a Man.

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Hey y'all! It's been a while, but we would love to announce the Staff of the Month, for the month of March. This months decision was quite difficult, as we saw a large amount of effort from every staff member (Thank you all <3!). However, we would like to congratulate @19Firefox98 and @iLoveEntenSkills for really stepping it up this month and being our Staff of the Month for March!

    FireFox, you have shown a large amount of dedication and support to GTM this month! Not only have you consistently been helping our players, day and night, but you have also been helping out with the GTM Wiki! Along with this, you have been a major help in catching hackers and reporting the minor (or not so minor) issues with GTM so us seniors can get them fixed right away! Congrats, and keep up the awesome work! :cool:

    iLo, you have also stood out by stepping it up this month! Whether it be /help, or on discord, your there and ready to smash down those keys to help those players! Like FireFox, you have been extremely active and never let a player be confused if they ask for some assistance. Additionally, you have proven to make sure to ask questions when needed and punish those rule-breakers ;). We hope you keep it up, and again, congratulations!

    We appreciate all of you hard-workers, but sometimes its the small things that let you stand out! We love you all, keep up the amazing work!

    Similarly to his big bro, @GARY back in October, Larry the Help Bot also deserves an honorable mention. Larry the Help Bot was trained in the mountains and learned how to answer /helps! Ever since then, he has been almost 100% active on GTM. While he doesn't get all of your questions, he tries his best, and that is what counts. Much less, he does this consistently and helps out not only players, but also busy staff members. Thanks Larry <3.
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  15. iExpo

    iExpo Certified Marker

    May 11, 2018
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    Hello once again everyone, as per our monthly tradition, we are announcing our two new STAFF OF THE MONTH for APRIL! I know, I know, it's very exciting stuff. We have seen a really impressive increase in work ethic and general improvement from both @Cucumbur Congratulations!

    -Moderator Cucumbur

    Cucumbur, what can I say, you've completely nailed managing both your Staff and Build Team responsibilities perfectly. You've listened to our advice and really worked well on it to improve yourself and personally, that is something I really quite respect. You've developed your leadership, communication skills within both teams immensely, in addition to maturity in situations in which it is required. To you as well, really well done.

    I'd also like to take this time to say thank you to the rest of the staff team for their hard work. Although we may only pick two people, we look at everyone and acknowledge all your hard work and commitment. And who knows, maybe it will be your name here next time?
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2020
  16. 11kobeer

    11kobeer Retired Manager

    Sep 22, 2017
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    Hey everyone! Another month has passed, and so it is time to announce the STAFF OF THE MONTH for May 2020. As always, it is so hard picking who will be the Staff of the Month as so many of our staff deserve this award. But we do have to pick someone, so drum roll please...

    - Senior Moderator @BrainControl
    Brain, I don't know what else to say but congrats... again! In the past few months especially, you have shown such an improvement. You have really stepped up to the plate, taken charge, shown your leadership skills, be a model staff member, all the while making us all laugh. You have been doing great things for GTM, and they certainly do not go unnoticed. Congrats my friend!

    - Moderator @_Worldlegend_
    WOW! You've really shown us what a great Moderator looks like. You have been improved greatly and have proven you have what it takes. You are hard-working, compassionate, and patient. And you're always on hackers... like right away. All great qualities we look for in a Moderator. But what's more, is that you have demonstrated leadership and a determination to excel. We see the hard work you're putting in, and we thank you for all of it. You and your upbeat attitude help make the Staff Team, and thus the server, a better place each and every day.

    Again, a HUGE thank you to all of our staff members. This month was especially hard for us to pick who should get this award. It wasn't easy. We just want to let you know that we see all the hard work you are putting in, and trust me, it DOES NOT go unappreciated or unnoticed. Thank you so so much for all you do.
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  17. GloryX

    GloryX Certified Hole

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Hey y'all! It's been a while, but we would love to announce the Staff of the Month, for the month of June 2020. I'd love to give this reward to multiple staff members, but as per this title, only a few may receive it. This month, @iLoveEntenSkills and @Rs_Wildetre will be crowned as the Staff of the Month!

    -Helper, Rs_Wildetre
    Rs, you've shown to be one of our top Helpers throughout the month and we have noticed your increased activity towards the community. The work that you do is never unnoticed and we can see great things in your future with the team!

    -Moderator, iLoveEntenSkills
    iLo, you've stood out as a Moderator ever since you were promoted. Even in your down periods, you still manage to be one of the best Mods we've had. Overall you handle all your staff duties swiftly and are a delight to chill with in a call or do random stuff online with xD I can see you doing great things in your future with the team as well! Keep it up mate.

    I'd also like to mention the Builder of the Month, KritischeLage! You've done great work with the Buildteam and have worked hard on the latest project, and I can't wait to see you work your way up the team.

    We appreciate all of you mates, but sometimes its the small things that let you stand out! Nothing any of you do goes unnoticed, so everyone keep up the great work. We love you all, keep up the amazing work!
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2020
  18. ItsDeo

    ItsDeo Thug Supreme

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Hey everyone, another month has passed and its time to announce the new Staff Of The Month for July 2020. So ill just cut to the chase and give a HUGE congratulations to CommanderGunner and Salibian on this months Staff of the Month

    Helper - Salibian -
    Salibian, even though you just started, you've showed off and have become one of our top helper throughout this month and this has not gone without recognition from the Senior Team! Congrats again, and keep it up!

    Moderator - CommanderGunner -
    Commander, you have clearly stepped it up this month, you have displayed leadership in more ways than one and you have simply stepped up and done very well with your staff duties. I cannot wait to what you can do in the upcoming weeks, and again, congrats on Staff of the Month.

    I would like to mention the Builder of the Month, Simulus! You have done great work for the Build Team and our work on the latest project has been great! The Senior Team cannot wait to see what you can do on the upcoming projects!

    Once again! Congrats to all of our Staff Members, both Support and Build Staff on Staff of the Month! We appreciate everyone on our staff team!
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  19. ItsDeo

    ItsDeo Thug Supreme

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Hey everyone! Its time to announce the new Staff of the Month for August 2020! To save us all some time. Ill just cut to the chase and start us off with a HUGE congrats to FeuerKai 1Tacoo and.... AA001__

    Helper - 1Tacoo
    Tacoo, you have 100% improved yourself since last month. You have done incredible with your staff duties and just being a great staff member over all, this cannot go without recognition from the Senior Team! Congrats again!

    Helper - AA001__ -
    AA, I would first like to start out by saying your a great guy, you have obviously done great work this month and it would be extremely unfair to let that go buy without some recognition, so here it is! Congrats on Staff of the Month!

    Moderator - FeuerKai -
    Kai, You have shown extreme gain of leadership this month. Not only has this happened, your maturity has been doing great as well! I am extremely proud of you Kai... I would love for you to keep this up! Once again, congrats on staff of month!

    I would like to mention the Builder of the Month, Simulus! You have done great work for the Build Team and this work that you have done this month was great! Great job Simulus! You did great!

    Good job to all of our Staff Members, both Support and Build Staff... We still see you! Continue to work hard!
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    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  20. ItsDeo

    ItsDeo Thug Supreme

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Hey everyone! Its time to announce the new Staff of the Month for September 2020! To save us all some time. Ill just cut to the chase and start us off with a HUGE congrats to NateCrab and JMaster05.

    Helper - JMaster05
    JMaster, You still have a long way to go but even when the people around you doubt you, you still stay strong and try really hard to be friendly with everyone. Keep your head up and the senior team is sure you will be a great leader of the team someday as well.

    Sr. Moderator - NateCrab
    Nate, you have been slowly growing stronger as a leader, and your skills as a leader really showed in September and we hope to see more from you in the future

    I would also like to give a huge congrats to quezoy on BT of the month! The whole team is super proud of you! I hope you keep it up!

    Good job to all of you! Keep it up guys!
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    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
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