Hi! When i try to join the Server it says: Mojang Authentication Servers are down! We can not let you join since youhave never joined GTM before. Please try again later. But the Auth servers cant be down because i can join other servers.
Simply remove LabyMod and you can join back, the Mojang issue is fixed. LabyMod has minimaps and other features that can give players advantages over others.
Can't you just get the LabyMod API where you can disable the different Addons so when a user joins the server, it disables the minimap and more things?
You probably could, but LabyMod is still not allowed I think. You can also use badlion client or 5zig Mod ^^
I'd recommend badlion client, it's also of very high quality and is similar but doesn't give advantages!
Yes, but LabyMod is the best out of the three Clients (im using is since it was released). Just add the API and there are no longer advantages.
Ye it would probably bei fair, but its still Not allowed, wait for staff to reply, maybe you are allowed to use it after that. But If you want to Play now ,you have to Play without it or with an allowed Client
We'll look into the Labby mod API. I so remember checking it out before but didn't have time to implement it.