Encouraging Suicide

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by WellHelloThere, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. WellHelloThere

    WellHelloThere Hobo

    Dec 19, 2019
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    Hello staff/reader,

    I just wanted to ask why it's allowed on this server to encourage other people to commit suicide as encouraging/assisting suicide is illegal in many countries. In my opinion this should be a general rule implied in every server since people (in particular teenagers) commit suicide over online harassment (not me btw). I asked a mod and they told me ''eh, he's just toxic''.

    Thanks for taking your time and answering in advanced.
  2. MrTacoMan

    MrTacoMan A Taco, that is a Man.

    Jul 6, 2019
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    United States
    GTM has never had a rule prohibiting toxicity of this kind. The server is meant to be ages 17+, although this cannot be controlled as it is Minecraft and there’s nothing you can do about letting younger audiences on.

    Since toxicity is allowed, you can turn off your chat to prevent these possible messages if they disturb you. Press ESC > Options > Chat Settings and then choose to turn chat off, or commands only, so you can quickly go places using commands such as /warp or /spawn. You may also /ignore players who seem to be continuous in their toxic efforts which will remove the need to disable chat.

    While GTM toxicity cannot be prevented due to no rules against it in game, the GTM discord does not allow this type of encouraging self harm or suicide. This is due to GTM following the Discord Guidelines, which strictly prohibit certain aspects such as inappropriate content and the encouragement of self harm.

    Certain rules are in place on GTM platforms which do lessen the amount of possible toxicity that can be achieved by players. One rule prevents Racism/Discrimination on all GTM platforms, along with the Forums rule which prevents Hate Posting/Basing opinions off personal hatred. If the lack of a rule to prevent the encouragement of suicide is truly a problem, I am afraid not much can be done.

    I hope this helps. If you have further questions or believe I may have not covered a concern please leave a response below and I’ll be happy to give a sufficient answer.