Why Staff Should be Punished for Being Toxic

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Minecart' started by M_Blazin, Aug 26, 2019.

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  1. M_Blazin

    M_Blazin Hobo

    Oct 18, 2017
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    Have you ever felt that a staff member is being toxic? That's most likely because they are. Several staff members, such as Flofin, JJrocks2001, and BrainControl have been toxic to me, and I've had the chance to actually capture them being toxic for no reason at all. Now, since Flofin is an admin and JJrocks2001 is a manager, I doubt this post will actually matter and I may even be punished because they're toxic. And I'm sure a lot of players that praise both Flofin and JJrocks2001 as gods, but the players that actually have interacted with them more than saying "Hi" would know that they're toxic. JJrocks2001 and Flofin are known for abusing their powers, which is why JJrocks2001 is nicknamed JJcocks but Flofin is even more well known for abusing his powers, as he has teleported to several players after the player has killed him (I honestly don't know why he does this, he's an admin). JJcocks2001 is more well known for giving worse punishments without warning, such as banning people when they need a mute or a warning, or perm banning people if they piss him off. I feel that as a staff member, you should not be toxic, no matter what, as JJrocks2001 and Flofin both said that I won't EVER be staff because I'm toxic (True, ngl) this should apply to other players as well... Let me know what you think in the comments here.

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  2. WrapItB4uTapIt

    WrapItB4uTapIt Mod

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Btw calling JJ the name "JJcocks2001" will not help you at all. If anything it'll hurt you because if he sees this he has the right to punish you since that is quite disrespectful. Also, JJ is a Manager which a Manager can do pretty much whatever they want and can punish you for whatever they feel is right. I don't see how Brain was "toxic" in that screenshot too. And about the Flofin screenshot he is shouldn't being saying that but he can't really get "punished" for that. So, therefore all of your points are invalid and irrelevant imo.
  3. N0HaxJustMango

    N0HaxJustMango Professional Failure

    Jun 1, 2018
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    1. On Flofin, saying that you are bad isn't toxic and you have no proof that he means it.
    2. On BrainControl, if you are giving someone a hard time over something they aren't exactly gonna be a sweetie pie to you.
    3. On JJ, Managers have supreme power and can do as they please and if you were banned for being annoying, then you were being annoying.

    And i dont think that saying someone is bad is toxic, toxicity is like if you tell someone that they aren't worth keeping on the server or are the worst player in the game and aren't worth the oxygen. If just saying "Keep telling yourself that" is toxic then you are far to easily offended.

    Good day.
  4. iBoot

    iBoot Hobo

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I would like to add a couple things to this thread:
    1, I’m sure those staff members didn’t just do what they did randomly, you, or someone else, most definitely provoked it.
    2, GTM is a very competitive server, I mean hell, the goal is to kill each other, toxicity is part of the game, if you don’t want that, go play skyblock, or a survival server.
    3, As @N0HaxJustMango touched on above, JJ is a manger, and because of that he has a little more power and if he feels a punishment is needed, that is not listed, he can hand out that punishment, and there shouldn’t be an issue with that, and if there is, then don’t do anything to piss him off in the first place
    I look forward to seeing you around the community! And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
  5. IanPeru

    IanPeru Hunter

    Sep 21, 2017
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  6. kittens4050

    kittens4050 Gangster

    May 23, 2018
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    They do get punished... I dont know if u understand this or not M_Blazin but being staff in pretty hard how toxic players are to them as JJ, people call him JJcocks, FPs and brain with people calling them fat. They need to be toxic sometimes, staff shouldnt toxic 24/7 but being toxic when your toxic first its understandable why they are toxic.
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  7. M_Blazin

    M_Blazin Hobo

    Oct 18, 2017
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    @kittens4050 the thing is, I didn't antagonize them in any of these screenshots. which is why I had them. And is nobody going to mention that flofin teleports to people when he dies? I mean, you may not have had it happen to you but has anyone else here? I know a few, but I wanna see more.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  8. KwonShiYun

    KwonShiYun MammaStaff

    Sep 6, 2017
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    I may as well chime my input in here as well why not.

    This is my complete honest opinion from my own knowledge on "these specific images".

    Starting with the flofin one. In the staff team their are many things that the staff are not allowed to do that regular players are allowed to do. Obviously heavy amounts of toxicity is definitely not one of those things that they are allowed to do. But, with that being said it is a GTA server where more then 80% if not all are pretty competitive. It is expected that to some extent even staff are going to be slightly toxic. When we are hiring staff we also take this into consideration and we differ "GTM" toxic to "real" toxic.

    (What I mean is that we base players on if they are competitively being toxic or just trying to cause a commotion.)

    "Your trash" is definitely one of the lesser GTM toxic things that people say (and so is ez). I would say this one is pretty petty to report anyone on. We don't even punish players for this nor do we care to punish any staff for saying "Your trash".

    There is even a level of toxicity that is used against staff that we do not punish for. Because hey we get it, everyone has a bad day sometimes.

    Now real toxic is when you are intentionally trying to cause problems on the server like spamming staff or spamming help with something like "BAN ME" over and over again. Sound a little familiar potentially? These are the kinds of players we consider "TRUE TOXIC" the kinds of players who struggle to hop over the edge of real life and video game.

    These kinds of players would never be allowed into the staff team without crucial changes to there behavior.


    The brain image makes no sense there is so much context missing from this image. All you said is you don't see how "something" that wasn't shown effects you. Then brain saying "k keep telling yourself that". Posting an image and claiming its toxic without any true context or showing the full story is again very under handed.

    Truth be told no one is perfect 24 hours a day. I do not doubt that any staff has had there moments. As I mentioned everyone has a bad day. But, I find your post to be even more toxic and "unfair". Imagine for a moment if staff were to ban you for using labymod but write in the ban reason "hacked client". Then go around telling people that you hacked?

    You posted the images without context weather you meant to do it to stretch the story or on accident without thinking. It was still very under handed.


    JJ has his moments more then most. But, I have seen you do things that "TRUE TOXIC" players do. I would not doubt for a moment that you were probably asking to get banned.

    You should be glad that you were only banned for only 1 hour when you have more then 10 mutes for toxicity.


    I think a lot of players forget that we offer a very well written set of rules for players. A lot of players don't realize that the rules we have set in place are not to keep you guys from breaking rules. They are to protect you guys from receiving "hard punishments" from actual abusive staff.

    Now let me go over that concept for a moment. An abusive staff is someone who sees a new player who is having a bad day and gives them a larger punishment then they really should.

    An abusive PLAYER is a long time player such as yourself who generally has been muted 10+ times and banned on multiple occasions for attempting to bypass those mutes even though you already know the rules. Then complain that there punishment was incorrect compared to what they thought it was. This is what you call a player attempting to abuse the rules. Even though those rules were set in place to protect them. Managers do not follow these set guidelines when doing our bans and mutes because we prefer to punish you "PROPERLY". This means we are giving you a punishment you deserve based on your previous offences rather then saying "okay, he is spamming again lets just give him this 1 hour mute and let him come back in an hour so he can do it again".

    And, should I say that if we weren't nice already you would actually in fact be removed from the server already with your current standing record. Anyway, have a good day :)
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  9. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    This is quite clearly lacking context. We don't know if the staff members were purposely provoked and lost their cool, if they were simply kidding around, or any context of what they were talking about in general.

    If you wanna create a proper staff report with clear context at grandtheftmc.net/appeal under the "Staff Report" section you are welcome to do so. But as for this thread its clearly misleading and purposely deceiving.

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