I saw an insane House on gtm1, but I play on gtm4 and this House isn’t on the Gtm4 Map. Would it theoretically be possible to copy this House to gtm4 as a Costum House? The Builder should cops the house to creative, so I can edit it(like a normal costum house) and then copy the finished house to gtm4. I would pay like for a normal costum house. Would this be possible? Thanks for your help Majo_LP
You could use schematica and just build the house yourself in creative, just don't use printer. Or you could world download it.
Yes, but the question is whether this is allowed or not. I won’t do this, if later the costum house isn’t allowed:-/
I'm pretty sure the BT is doing custom houses RN. Even if they aren't still build it and apply for when they start again.
Schematica and world downloader are both illegal mods. Using them is not allowed. No, all builds must be unique.