Hello everyone. Today's announcement is rather quick but exciting. We are happy to announce that after several requests from GTM players, we are finally bringing back Custom Premium Houses! Custom houses are Premium houses, specially built for a certain player. These custom houses may contain (almost) any customization a player can dream of, ranging from the size, shape, and color of their house, or even specific customizations such as having a secret room, or your player skulls within the custom house! You are now able to request Custom Houses at https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open under the "Custom House" department. The request will then be appropriately handled by the build team! For further instructions and details on how to proceed, please visit the following post: https://grandtheftmc.net/posts/33648/ Please do not create a custom house ticket before reviewing the above-linked post to save both your, and our time!
Custom houses always look damn good though, you gotta admit. Also I bought your tilted house for about the same as my custom house, and my custom house is an 80 permit house at bank.